The Benefits of Using a Robo-Advisor for Investing

Robo-advisors are online investment tools that assist in building wealth. They utilize algorithms to craft a portfolio tailored to your profile and risk tolerance.

Typically, they use a combination of mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Investments can be tax efficient through strategies like tax loss harvesting – selling securities at a loss in order to avoid paying capital gains taxes.


Selecting the ideal robo-advisor for you depends on your investment objectives and needs. It is also important to take into account any fees associated with using the service, as well as its minimum investment requirements.

Robo-advisors can assist you in reaching your objectives by providing investment recommendations tailored to fit your risk profile and long-term plans. Furthermore, they provide ongoing portfolio rebalancing services on a regular basis.

Comprehensive robo-advisors take a comprehensive approach to financial planning, using AI and data to predict your behavior. They’ll assess your actual net worth, current liabilities, spending patterns and more in order to create a tailored portfolio tailored specifically for you.

On average, robo-advisors charge less than 1% of assets under management with some companies charging either a fixed fee or sliding scale. The final cost depends on the size of your portfolio.


Robo-advisors are online investment platforms that automatically manage your portfolio to help you meet your retirement objectives. This type of service may be ideal for investors with little time to dedicate to investing or other aspects of life.

Robo-advisors can assist you with adhering to accessibility regulations, such as Section 508 and WCAG standards – U.S. government guidelines which address disability policies and compliance for government entities, federal agencies, and their information and communication technologies.

The number of people with disabilities worldwide is rising, and having accessibility features on your website could mean the difference between users being able to access content or avoiding it entirely. It’s also wise to plan for users with cognitive impairments such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism who require accommodations when using computers or other technology.

Ease of use

Robo-advisors provide investors with many advantages, such as simplified investment selection, automatic portfolio rebalancing and comprehensive services. Robo-advisors create diversified portfolios based on investor responses to questions about goals and risk tolerance.

Asset Allocation: Robo-advisors often invest in low-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds that track market benchmarks, providing a straightforward path towards diversification for investors who aren’t well versed in financial markets.

Some robo-advisors provide tax loss harvesting and other tax strategies on taxable accounts. Although these features might save you some money in the short term, they’re usually unnecessary and come with hidden fees.


For novice investors, robo-advisors may provide a convenient entry point. Generally, these services have low minimum investing requirements and make recommendations based on your responses to an assessment questionnaire.

Most robo-advisors will create a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) tailored to your objectives and risk tolerance. This helps ensure the diversification of assets, avoiding large losses in one sector or stock.

Robo-advisors can automatically rebalance your portfolio to ensure it stays within the target asset allocation. They may even perform tax loss harvesting, which involves selling securities at a loss in order to defer capital gains taxes.

Most robo-advisors provide socially responsible investments, which can be tailored to fit with your values. Some even allow you to select a particular type of investment such as a renewable energy fund.


Robo-advisors can save you a considerable amount of time and effort. They take care of many tasks that would otherwise need to be handled manually, such as rebalancing your portfolio or harvesting tax losses.

They can help you stay on track with your investment objectives and prioritize responsibilities such as retirement planning or life insurance. Doing this helps prevent errors from occurring and guarantees that money remains invested regularly.

Before beginning, a robo-advisor will ask you a series of questions to learn about your age, investment goals and risk tolerance. Based on this information, they’ll recommend an appropriate portfolio tailored specifically to your requirements.

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